Rif activists denounce the new repressive wave of the Moroccan regime
  • The Syrian activists living in Euskal Herria have denounced the aggression of the Moroccan regime against the civilian population of the Rif, in particular against the town of Tamassint, which has been arrested. A concentration was set at 12:00 a.m. on 14 July in Bilbao in front of the Moroccan Consulate to demand "a real democracy".
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko uztailaren 14a
Rifeko ekintzaileak bilbon. Argazkia: Ecuador Etxea Argazkia: Ecuador Etxea

Activists for the raffles and human rights defenders of the Basque Country will protest against the repressive wave of the Government of Rabat. The mobilisation will take place this Tuesday, at 12:00 a.m., in front of the Moroccan Consulate in the Biscay capital.

As they have denounced, on this occasion the objective of the repression has been the town of Tamassint, located in the heart of Rif. The Russian collective settled in Euskal Herria has condemned the new "wave of systemic repression" of the Moroccan State against the civil protest movements of the Tamasdos and their legal demands.

They call for the “immediate suspension” of the detention and persecution of activists, both internal and external, from Rif and Morocco, as well as the “freedom of all political prisoners” of the Rif and the “end of militarization” imposed on the region.