The man who killed Rebeca Huayta is imprisoned
  • After declaring the murder of his partner, Rebeca Huayta, Leonel B.T. The judge has passed Friday before the judge and sent him to jail. They start a procedure to banish Huayta's body.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko urtarrilaren 02a
Huaytaren hilketa salatzeko mobilizazioa, Bilboko San Frantzisko auzoan (Argazkia: Ecuador Etxea)

Leonel B.T. He passed the judge on Friday. Rebeca Huayta accused of the murder of BilbaĆ­no Huacan. By court order he is imprisoned in Basauri prison.

On December 28, the body of Huayta was found in the Hilargi bar of San Francisco Street in Bilbao. Leonel B.T. She was the woman's partner and she confessed to the police that she killed her the day before with a knife. The Ministry of Equality has reported that the man had a history of male violence and that Huayta's daughter was aware of the ill-treatment her mother received. Through the statements made to ETB, his mother informed him that the couple beat him and his daughter had asked him to report. It seems that a month ago Huayta had to be treated in the hospital following a man's attack.

Huayta, originally from Bolivia, requests the murderer to be extradited to serve his sentence. In response to this request, the Bolivian consulate has held meetings with the Bolivian community in Bilbao.

They also initiate a procedure for repatriating the body of Huayta. The authorities have contacted their relatives and, following a formal request from them, will begin to take the necessary steps for Huayta Bolivariano to move.

Five women die in 2022

According to the map of Victims of the News, in 2022 five women were killed. Huayta has been the fifth victim of male violence of the year. Her sister was also killed by her partner in 2018, after being expelled from the fifth floor of a home in the Rekalde BilbaĆ­no district.