Israel destroys Rafah water reserves
  • The Zionists have reduced the water supply in Gaza by 94% from October until today. The denial of water to the population is a war crime under international law. The Rafah warehouse served more than a million Palestinians.
Jon Hidalgo Gereñu 2024ko uztailaren 30a

The Israeli soldiers are unashamedly demonstrating their crimes against the Palestinians and their lack of awareness of the damage done is evident. As a last example, the Zionist soldiers themselves have risen to social media as they have exploded the entire water supply system in the city of Rafah, south of Gaza. In the video, broadcast by the Israelis, one can see a military unit carrying explosives into the water tanks and exploiting the pool of buildings in the reserve.

It is a war crime that the soldiers have published out of their own will. Heidi Matthews, a professor of the International Criminal Law and an expert, has said that destroying a water treatment plant is a war crime in itself. And also, as Israel "knows clearly" that this will cause polio to spread in Gaza, what happened in Rafah is "proof of genocidal intent," according to Matthews.

Research by the Oxfam Non-Governmental Institute has shown that Israel has reduced the water supply in the Gaza Strip by 94 per cent through bombings and a ban on access. The recently released Water War Crimes report concludes that water scarcity is being used as a weapon of war and that Israel has caused a "deadly health disaster" with water.

OXFAM has indicated that, on average, Israel has destroyed five of the water supply and cleaning areas every three days. The water supply has been attacked "systematically", showing "international law and indifference to the lives of the Palestinians". The report also highlights the impact on the health of the population of Gaza, as “more than a quarter of the population has been severely affected” by easily preventable diseases. Zionists have destroyed 100% of the wastewater treatment plants, according to Oxfam.

In addition to destroying the water system, Israel has obstructed the aid that has been tried to introduce into the country from abroad. A representative of Oxfam has denounced in a BBC media that the toilets and cleaning items they wanted to introduce, as well as food and other supplies, have been systematically blocked. “Sanitation doesn’t exist in Gaza right now.”