"An unprecedented human disaster" in Gaza, according to the United Nations
  • At least 2,750 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli bombings and 10,000 wounded. At least 1,000 Palestinians are missing under the waste. U.S. Secretary Anthony Blink announces the opening of a gateway to move from Gaza to Egypt, but only for humanitarian aid and the departure of foreign passport citizens. Sixteen and Israel deny their openness.
Leire Artola Arin 2023ko urriaren 16a
Israelgo Armadak abisatu du lurreko ofentsiba ere hasiko dutela. / Argazkia: Jalaa Marey.

Gaza hospitals, according to the United Nations, will probably stay “hours later” without electricity fuel. The Israeli army has been bombing Gaza for a week and both Sixteen and the Palestinian National Authority are denouncing the genocide against the Palestinians, with 2,750 deaths and 10,000 injuries and 1,000 others missing under destroyed buildings, according to Al Jazz. The UN says that Gaza is an “unprecedented human disaster.”

Gaza has been besieged by Israel and almost two million Palestinians living there are without water, food or electricity. The passage from Rafah to Egypt is also closed, but according to the Israeli embassy in EE.UU. They would open their way on Monday morning. In the Egyptian area trucks and ambulances await humanitarian aid and in the Gaza area there are hundreds of people waiting for the border to open, as Al Jazeera explained. Only the gateway would be opened to take people with a foreign passport, the Palestinians would not be able to leave.

However, Sixteen and Israel deny the opening of Rafah's footsteps and the existence of firebreaks. In fact, Reuters berri and the Israeli media reported that EE.UU. Egypt and Israel have reached an agreement to end humanitarian aid, but the authorities on both sides have denied it. Many Israeli ministers are opposed to the opening of the Rafah walkway by saying that its protection and support is for the Israeli families killed and kidnapped, and not for the “sixteen murderers and their companions”.

Preparations for land offensive

The Israelis kidnapped by sixteen are 199, according to the latest update of the Israeli Army. Sixteen wants to use these people to exchange, among other things, with Palestinian prisoners. In view of this, Israel’s response has been that they will continue to bomb Gaza “until the hostages are released”.

In addition to the air strike, Israel has announced that a ground offensive will be launched and that they are ready for the “next phase”. On Friday, Israel threatened all the inhabitants of northern Gaza, about one million Palestinians, to leave one day. The UN warned of the “impossibility” of carrying out such transfers and asked Israel to comply with “international law”, although they confirmed that they have “the right to defend” themselves against Hamas. Sixteen representatives also told the citizens of Gaza to stay in their homes and responded to Israel’s threat that the Palestinians “will never leave” their territory.