The disqualification of Quim Torra once again mobilizes independence
  • On 28 September, concentrations were held in front of the Catalan municipalities, convened by the ANC Òmnium and mobilizations convened by the CoR in Catalonia.
La Directa @la_directa 2020ko irailaren 29a
Torra Generalitatetik ateratzen, irailaren 28an. Argazkia: Miguel Lopez Mallach / Directa.

As might be expected, the Second Chamber of Criminal Justice of the Supreme Court has ratified the lawsuit filed in its day by the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia and has disabled for a year and a half for public office the president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, for disobedience to the Central Electoral Board. The Electoral Board ordered the withdrawal of the political prisoners’ freedom banner during the General Courts elections in April 2019. The Supreme Court has communicated the judgment to Torra on the afternoon of 28 September, which means the immediate cessation of the office, as acknowledged by the lehendakari in his public statement to the Palau de la Generalitat.

Entrepreneurial independence has given rise to the dismissal of Quim Torra as an opportunity to strengthen its capacity to mobilize, despite the fact that the coronavirus epidemic that has been in existence for seven months sets an exceptional context and despite the fact that discrepancies between political parties and sovereign organizations have led to wear and tear. Òmnium Cultural had already announced days before, upon hearing the judgment of the Supreme Court, it would convene concentrations in the main squares of the great towns of Catalonia, to which the ANC has finally joined, although this institution chaired by Elisenda Paluzié had open a telematic consultation between its bases until 28 September to decide whether they would take this or another way of protest. For their part, the CoR has called for concentration on many of these mergers, despite their differentiated calls in larger towns and cities.

The Plaza de Sant Jaume has been the epicenter of the Barcelona protests: hundreds of people have filled the enclosure, with the corresponding security distances, and have applauded the lehendakari, who has left the Palau de la Generalitat at about 20:30 hours. Lehendakari has been surrounded by his Government and other political leaders, including a banner with the same slogan as the banner that disabled him. The people concentrated in the plaza have come to the streets in a demonstration that Parliament presided over by the deceased Lehendakari. At the height of Vía Laietana, Torra has been taken to a car and has been unharmed.

The CoR of Barcelona has convened a concentration at 20:30 hours in the Gracia district and have come down in demonstration. As they reach the height of Valencia Street, they have headed towards the Government Delegation. At the height of Pau Claris, they met the riot control chain of the Mossos that closed the fenced passage of the demonstration. Some protesters have thrown pig heads into the police, who have been arrested. Then, most of the protesters went to the Gran Vía and arrived at the gates of the park of the Ciutadella by Lluís Companys Avenue. Although it was already closed, several people have forced the doors and hundreds of people have managed to reach the doors of Parlament, but the Mossos have not taken long to send them to the Chamber. Some demonstrators, in a dispersed way, have come to the Plaza de Urquinaona and to the area of San Pedro, where several containers have been poured out, which has affected the Mossos Mobile Brigade.

In Girona and Lleida, the objective of the calls have been the Government’s Sub-delegates, who have made an appeal to surround themselves with human chains while in Lleida the intention was to throw trash bags to that of Girona. After the concentration of the CoR in Terrassa, in front of the City Hall, the road has been cut off for precaution.