Putin wins Russian elections with the best results
  • In the Russian elections, President Vladimir Putin won 87% of the votes and will be in charge until 2030. Putin announces that he had agreed to exchange Navalni a few days before the opponent's death.
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Putinek beste sei urtez jarraituko du agintean.

Since taking command in 2,000 years, he has had the greatest victory in his history. It has obtained 87.29% of the votes and may continue for another six years. In 2020, it amended the Constitution’s clauses, allowing the 71-year-old commissioner to be re-introduced by 2030. Participation has been the highest of all times, 77.44% and has exceeded the record set in 1991, 74.66%.

Nikolai Kharinotov, a member of the Communist Party, is second with 4% of the votes. Vladislav Davankov has been the third centre with 3% of the votes. Leonid Slutski gets the same percentage.

The opposition did not take part in the vote. Candidates have not been registered for various technical reasons or formal defects. Nor have the candidates for peace in Ukraine been able to participate.

He says he intended to redeem Navaln

Putin claims that the most famous opposition member, Alexei Navalni, had an exchange pact for Russian prisoners in Europe before he died. “But what happened unfortunately,” he said, and called death “a sad fact.” He indicates that he only placed a condition, “not to return. But this is life.”