From 27 to 29 July, the new edition of the macrofestibal Tsunami Xixón will be held in Gijón, Asturias. Like every year, and like the big festivals of the same model, it will receive significant funding from public institutions. Journalist Nando Cruz, Macrofestivals. The black hole in music. According to the book "The Black Hole in Music", the well-known macrofestivities of the Spanish state finance at least 10% of their budget by public institutions (in the case of BBK Live is 15-20%, which receives about half a million euros).
The organizers of the macrofestival Tsunami Xixón, specialized in punk, rock, metal and hardcore, met with the municipal government in early July, specifically with the Vox delegate, responsible for cultural and public holidays. The photo was broadcast on the networks and, despite its scarce repercussions in the Basque Country, has aroused the refusal of The Elite and Strangis Guajes to play there for having brought together the organizers of the festival with Vox. Furthermore, the Desakato group, the leader of the cartel, has pointed to "fascism" and proclaimed the official status of the Asturian.
Above polemics, the festival advances. In response to the criticisms, the organization has emphasized that the macrofestival is a "meeting point of freedom and interculturality" and has considered it necessary to meet with political positions. "We are against all censorship," they say.
Macrofestibales: investment fund business
More than 50 macro-festivities in the Spanish State already depend on ten investment funds. The biggest of the oldest is the American vulture fund Superstruct. It owns, inter alia: Resurrection Fest, Arenal Sound, Viña Rock, FIB, Sónar (editions are made under the same name in nine international cities) or the Xixón Tsunami itself.
Seven large companies organize 40 macrofestivities, behind which there are three investment funds. The biggest thing, we said, is Superstruck; behind Primavera Sound there is another vulture fund and recently the company Live Nation, which organizes musical macrofestivals like Mad Cool, has been bought by an investment fund of this kind.
At the moment, there is no investment fund behind Last Tour. Last Tour organizes the prestigious festivals of Hego Euskal Herria: BBK Live, Azkena Rock, Donostia Festibala, Clorama, BIME and Santaspascuas, among others. Last Tour is an agent to keep in mind, in addition to the festivals mentioned, managed by La Merced and BilboRock in Bilbao, which plan to open a room and a restaurant associated with this room in Bilbao, in addition to an editorial and a record label.