Spanish justice confirms that Puigdemont can stand for European elections
  • The Central Electoral Board decided that the three JxCat candidates would not be able to attend the European elections because they were not registered in the register of foreigners of the State. However, the Spanish Supreme Court has found that this is not the case and has referred the case to the Provincial Court of Madrid, which has ruled for two years. EH Senator Bildu, who just failed this Monday at the Supreme Absolute.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko maiatzaren 06a
Larunbatean Bruselan emandako prentsaurrekoa. Larunbatean Bruselan emandako prentsaurrekoa.

The Supreme Court has not issued a judicial decision on the appeal lodged by Carles Puigdemont’s defence, has reported that the case does not fall within its scope and has referred the case to the ordinary court. In this respect, however, he also said that Puigdemont, Clara Ponsatí and Toni Comín are citizens of the Spanish State and are therefore entitled to passive suffrage, that is to say that they can stand for elections to be elected by the citizens. This right is only suspended when a final judgment so decides, and that is not yet the case.

When he heard of the decision, Puigdemont showed his satisfaction because "this is the first time it has expired in the base football field." The Supreme has ordered the court to urgently settle the judgment, but at the time of drafting these lines there was still no resolution.