The PSOE would win the elections in Hego Euskal Herria and EH Bildu would be a seat
  • According to EiTB Focus, in Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, EH Bildu would significantly reduce the differences with regard to PNV. UPN would not get a representative, and the new left Sumar platform only has access to the Member in Bizkaia.
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2023ko uztailaren 17a
Rebeka Ubera legebiltzarkidea, Iñaki Ruiz de Pinedo Arabako zerrendaburua Espainiako Kongresurako eta Mertxe Aizpurua Gipuzkoakoa pasa den astean Elgoibarren, kanpaina ekitaldian. (Argazkia: EH Bildu)

The EiTB Focus survey provides for a draw to three in the elections to the Congress of Spanish Members in Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa. The number of PNV members would be reduced from six to five, and from four to five for EH Bildu and PSOE. The PP would get one more, two in total.

What will lose most will be the new coalition of the Spanish left: Join a single Member in Bizkaia in 2019 We can conquer three. The results of seven years ago, when Podemos made a "surprise" to the PNV, as Gorka Bereziartua said in this chronicle, are far, or may remain.

Spanish electoral map 2016.

In addition, Navarre departs from this map: instead of blue, according to EiTB Focus, it will stain red. A draw is expected between the two main Spanish parties, the PP and the PSOE, and a deputy would have less EH Bildu: two PSOE, two PP and one EH Bildu.

If we take the map of Hego Euskal Herria, the PSOE would win with seven members – two more than today – the EH Bildu – one more – the PNV, five – one less – the PP, which had two seats with Navarra Sumario, and the only Basque Country, which, on the last occasion when Hego al Herria was presented, won four deputies.

Navarra: UPN disappears

The other possible headline is that the PSOE will eat Podemos’s deputy and become the first force in Navarre.

In fact, since the disappearance of the Navarra Suma coalition and the separate presentation of both UPN and PP, the balance will tend towards PP in Spain – and, on the contrary, it has become clear that these voters support UPN in Pamplona and Navarra.

Álava: The PNV becomes the third force

In Vitoria-Gasteiz, the Alavese territory has taken the same meaning as in the municipal elections for the Spanish elections. The PNV will lose its strength because it will lose three points in its vote. The PSOE will raise three points and will be the first force. However, the most important climb will be EH Bildu, with almost five points. Loser, by the way, Sumar, who lost six points over those of Podemos.


On November 10, 2019, election results were held in Deputies, by territory. (Source: Light)


Biscay: PNV wins, but much lost

It is worth noting the historic increase of EH Bildu, which will earn more than six points over the 2019 elections.

The PNV would halve the number of Members, the PSOE would keep its two Members, EH Bildu would win one, and the other lost from the PNV would get it from the PP.


On November 10, 2019, election results were held in Deputies, by territory. (Source: Light)


Guipúzcoa: First Force of EH Bildu

EH Bildu would make a significant difference to the PNV, more than four points. Indeed, the PNV would lose three points and EH Bildu would earn almost six. This means that part of the one who voted for Podemos is going to give this time to EH Bildu – Sumar would have a four-and-a-half point loss on Podemos – and part of the PNV would go to EH Bildu.

However, even if there are changes in the vote intention, it would not be reflected in Members. The PSOE would eat the seat of Podemos.


On November 10, 2019, election results were held in Deputies, by territory. (Source: Light)