The PSN and Navarra Suma approve a bill in favor of the PAI that puts the government in a critical situation
  • On Wednesday, Socialists and the Right have passed a law on preliminary projects to consolidate the position of 350 professors of the English Learning Programme (PAI). The agreement has increased the clashes between the members of the Government of Navarra and the political parties.
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2022ko apirilaren 28a
Argazkia: Nafarroako Legebiltzarra.

The agreement has gone beyond the initial proposal of the PSN for the consolidation of teachers, among other things because UPN has made it a condition that the current language programme become an educational model. GEROA Bai, EH Bildu, Elkarrekin Podemos and IU have been against. Also the majority of trade unions in Education of Navarra.

The Council has also charged itself against the intentions of both parties and has denounced that the IAP was launched from the outset as a tool against Model D, which is now moving in that direction and which want to turn Model D Navarro into D-Pai in many places.

Great clashes in the Chivite government

It was not clear what was going to happen in plenary this morning, because, although the PSN agreed in itself with the transformation of the PAI program into an educational model, as is the case with the electoral program, it was not foreseen in the government agreement signed with Geroa Bai, and between them they agreed that the PAI program would not go beyond the current situation.

This shock occurred at a time of tension between the PSN and Geroa Bai. On the one hand, it should be remembered that the labour reform of the Spanish Government went ahead in Congress last February, when two UPN Members, contrary to what the leadership of this party decides, refused to support the reform.

On the issue, UPN’s lehendakari, Javier Esparza, acknowledged that he was working on a more general agreement with the PSOE to recover the collaboration between UPN and PSN. The PSN has not recognised this, but it is seen that on some issues it has come together lately, among others, the changes that have taken place in the Economic Convention at the end of March, with e-commerce.

Not only that, but the decree that the foral government wants to approve to value the knowledge of Euskera in the administration has also been a source of controversy between the two formations, and the PSN has found in Navarre Sum the necessary support to get it through.

It must also be borne in mind that there is a year to go before the forthcoming elections and, in view of the tension and the dates, it is not too much to say that the Government of Chivite is in question. This is not the first time the government crisis has been discussed in recent times.

The difficulties of the law

As for the newly adopted law on the preliminary draft, PSN and UPN have taken an important step towards turning the IAP into an educational programme, but the difficulties they are going to have along the way are not a joke. On the one hand, the Spanish Government will have to reach an agreement with the Executive on this session of stabilisation of employment, which has not so far been possible. On the other hand, the matter can be referred to the Constitutional Court, either on the initiative of the Spanish Government, or at the request of the members of Congress.

It should be remembered that Spanish law prohibits the use of English or other foreign languages as a requirement in the competitions and that the PSN, to avoid this, has claimed the self-government of Navarra to elaborate a law of its own and give access to English in the public oppositions.

If the law advances, it will happen that in many areas of Navarra an indigenous language such as the Basque language is not taken into account, not even as merit, but that English is compulsory for a model of public education.