The PSN agrees a municipal government with the mayor of Caparroso who does not want to withdraw the Francoist plates
  • The PSN has reached an agreement with the acting mayor of Caparroso (Navarra), Aquilino Jiménez, rejecting a possible pact with the progressive platform ahead Caparroso Aurrera (ACA). Jiménez is known for his opposition to the withdrawal of Francoist plates from the town.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko ekainaren 05
Aquilino Jiménezekin paktua egingo du PSNk Caparroson (argazkia: Caparrosoko Udala).

In a statement released via social media, the ACA explained that after the municipal elections on May 26 they began to speak with the PSN to form a leftist municipal government in Caparroso. The most voted list was Caparroso Hoy y Futuro (CPF), Aquilino Jiménez, but with the representatives of the PSN and ACA you can give the option of changing the mayor.

Jiménez, who was the head of pp's list in the last legislature, achieved the mayor's office, provoking the controversy for refusing to comply with the law of historical memory, leaving the town's Francoist plates instead of withdrawing them.

In the negotiations for the formation of a new municipal government, according to the ACA, there was an offer for the platform and the PSN to share responsibilities in half, by obtaining three councillors in the votes. But a few days later, the PSN has informed ACA that they have reached an agreement with Jiménez’s list: The PSN will hold the mayor, with the support of the CPF.

ACA has been surprised that the most voted list, that of Jiménez, thus gives the mayor the PSN. To explain this manoeuvre, the PSN and the CPF have expressed in Caparroso their willingness to prevent the nationalist Government from manifesting itself. In the opinion of the ACA, however, this declaration does not make sense, as its scope of work is the people and is not related to other parties.