The Psilocybe association presents its collection of records this Saturday to celebrate 30 years
  • The musical association Psilocybe de Hondarribia celebrated last year 30 years and the music hall it manages, 15 years. With the help of the groups and technicians of the house, he has prepared a collection of nineteen songs.
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2024ko ekainaren 04a
The Iiingles taldea. Argazkia: Amaia Oca / Psilocybe elkarteak utzita

The night of version that is held in the Psilocybenea room in Hondarribia at the turn of Christmas is a reference festival for the musical association Psilocybe, as, beyond the environment that is created, many musicians take advantage of the appointment as an opportunity to meet and create common projects. Apart from traditional rigid groups, a party like the night of version allows the exchange of musicians and the exploration of new fields. The association has highlighted that the P30 musical collection was born from it, with musicians and technicians organized around the Psilocybenea, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the association.

In 2023 all the songs were recorded, a total of nineteen, in which Mono and Mikel Iturria participated and in which Joseba Baleztena also collaborated. The mastering has been carried out by Karlos Osinaga Txapelketa. For their part, the music groups, all of them domestic, are the following: The Iiingles, Krin, Kosmaikosin, Julz, Müntzer, The Arritmicks, Lefthook,Velozet, Horzdun, Imago4, Txavvö, Gornutz, Skubi, Angelight Family, Midnight Sinners, Linternka, KL, MIK

Image of one of the test sites. / Photography: Stopped.

Third collection

In 2001, the first collection of self-produced discs, Psilocybe Enea, was published, which will later give the room its name. The album had the participation of prestigious groups such as Dut and Lif, referents in the creation of the association, Killing Moon, Pinbol, Semtex or Dead Jauregi's.

Two years later, in 2003, the Psilocybe 10 collection was carried out, on the pretext that the association was celebrating its decade. The groups that were on the previous album were joined by some news and other older ones, such as Sornato Bele or Beti Muga.

This bellows, according to the association, also called for a space for concerts, in addition to the self-managed test rooms. They say to put music in the middle. Anyone who wants to know more about the process of taking this great step can read the report by Lander Arretxea on the occasion of the 25th anniversary.

Cover of the album 'P30'.

PTP Festival, Saturday

Festival PTP or Depart from Psilocybe Groups. The appointment will be on Saturday from 17:30 in the Psilocybenea room. Access shall be voluntary.

It is an event as a night version of the version highlighted at the beginning of the news, in the same spirit: short concerts, a shared musical team, fraternity and a unique atmosphere. The groups stabilized at Psilocybean will take the stage and take advantage of the night to present the P30 collection.