Hego Euskal Herria 98%
PSOE wins, EH Bildu rises and PNV loses 100,000 votes
  • Having spent the whole day saying that the turnout had fallen, when the votes were recorded by post, it is concluded that it has risen. At the state level, participation has risen by two points. The PSOE has won in the South with 375,963 votes, with 64,604. The second EH Bildu with 328,676 votes, winning 51,055. The third PNV remains with 273,475 votes, 105,527 lost. PP fourth 184,470 (+79,586). Add the fifth 167,417 buttons (71,029 less than Podemos). Last, UPN: 48,880 votes. It should be noted that four years ago PP and UPN came together in the Navarra Suma coalition, obtaining 99,078 votes.
Lander Arbelaitz Mitxelena @larbelaitz 2023ko uztailaren 24a

In Bizkaia the PNV has lost two, for the benefit of EH Bildu and PP.

[[Narrow elections 2023 U23 Bizkaia Spanish Congress]]

PSE-EE, EH Bildu, PNV and PP would receive one in Álava. Summing loses the seat of Podemos.

[[Narrow elections 2023 U23 Spanish Álava Congress]]

EH Bildu, PSE-EE and PNV have achieved two in Gipuzkoa. Sumar loses the seat of Podemos for the benefit of PSE-EE.

[[Narrow elections 2023 U23 Gipuzkoa Spanish Congress]]

In Navarra the PSN achieved two, and EH Bildu, PP and UPN, one. The PP is ahead of UPN in votes. Sumar's seat has been won by the PSN.

[[Tight graphics elections 2023 U23 Spanish Congress navarra]]