In Bizkaia the PNV has lost two, for the benefit of EH Bildu and PP.
[[Narrow elections 2023 U23 Bizkaia Spanish Congress]]
PSE-EE, EH Bildu, PNV and PP would receive one in Álava. Summing loses the seat of Podemos.
[[Narrow elections 2023 U23 Spanish Álava Congress]]
EH Bildu, PSE-EE and PNV have achieved two in Gipuzkoa. Sumar loses the seat of Podemos for the benefit of PSE-EE.
[[Narrow elections 2023 U23 Gipuzkoa Spanish Congress]]
In Navarra the PSN achieved two, and EH Bildu, PP and UPN, one. The PP is ahead of UPN in votes. Sumar's seat has been won by the PSN.
[[Tight graphics elections 2023 U23 Spanish Congress navarra]]