Protests and trial in Gloucester, because Urbaserri wants to turn on the new incinerator in June
  • The Estinction Rebellion movement has multiplied its protests these days in the vicinity of the Gloucester incinerator, Javelin Park. With the contract of the City Council, the incinerator, capable of burning some 200,000 tonnes of mixed waste a year, has been launched this very month of June, so that it is fully operational in summer.
Zero Zabor @zero_zabor 2019ko ekainaren 14a
Extinction Rebellioneko jendeek Gloucesterreko erraustegiaren inguruko errepideak moztu dituzte ekainaren 11n. (Argazkia: Extinction Rebellion)

One of the most well-known environmental conflicts in Britain is that of Gloucester, where people have long fought against the new Javelin Park incinerator, as explained by ARGIA. Among them, in addition to denouncing environmental and health problems, they have had to make a hard effort to obtain the real documents of the contract between Urbaser and the authorities, including a hunger strike by an entrepreneur.

This and the work of the Community R4C association in the courts yielded results, at least in part, and the authorities were forced to show more parts of the incinerator’s contract. Thus, in early 2019 the inhabitants of Gloucester met with a bitter surprise: Following the announcement of the incinerator’s contract, Javelin Park announced that the cost of these would be £100 million more expensive than has been stated so far, 30% more.

Despite this, the project has been followed by the Gloucestershire County authorities and the multinational Urbaser and the Javelin Park furnace will try to ignite it in June. The people of the Extinction Rebellion movement, who cut off the roads surrounding the Zubieta incinerator, are being mobilized against this.


Developer ❤️💚 Please support the people of Gloucestershire Community R4C legal battle against the £650 ion pound negotly contriated (EP)

Posted by Cancel the CONtract on Thursday, June 13, 2019

Meanwhile, the Community R4C partnership continues its fight in the courts: Gloucester’s political leaders have been sued for violating the law in the secret Urbasarri negotiations. Precisely, the trial for these facts began this week in the National Hearing. The Crowd Justice platform, which advises and supports such conflicts, is developing a crodwfunding campaign to raise the 30,000 pounds they need to meet the expenses of the caso.La BBC is following on public television the case being decided in the courts of the city of Bristol.


The first hearing of the secretly negotiated contract for a £650 million incinerator brought by the people of Gloucestershire against their own council is over... Now we need to support this fight ✊🏼 Please donate to help fund the next hearing scheduled for later this year

Posted by Cancel the CONtract on Tuesday, June 11, 2019