Protests in Guadalajara (Mexico) for the murder of a man arrested for not wearing a face mask
  • Hundreds of thousands of people have manifested themselves in the Mexican capital of Jalisco, in the province of Guadalajara, in protest against the latest police abuse. A man, Giovanni López, was arrested for not carrying in the kiss the mask he is obliged to carry through COVID-19 and returned to the family hours later.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko ekainaren 05
Istiluetan manifestalariek poliziaren auto bati su eman diote. (Argazkia: La Jornada)

Despite what happened on 4 May, the images of Giovanni López’s arrest have spread on social media to arouse the indignation of many citizens. On that day, he was arrested in the town of Ixtlahuacán de los Membrillos by local police officers, accused of not wearing a face mask on a 30-year-old quarrier. Hours later, the corpse was handed over to his family. The news has spread and there have been protests in the city of Jalisco, at the gates of the local government.

The arrest took place violently and in the images disseminated now it is possible to hear the citizens who ask the police not to treat the man in this way:

In the following hours petitions to clarify the murder have been made public throughout Mexico, including that of filmmaker Guillermo del Toro.