VIDEOS | Big protests against incineration and police crushing in Wuhan, China
  • Thousands of people have taken to the streets of the city of Wuhan (Hubei province, China) in protest against the construction of an incinerator. The police have aggressively assaulted the Protestants, who have been arrested. From the social networks, scenes of great virulence and scenes of panic have been broadcast.
Zero Zabor @zero_zabor 2019ko uztailaren 05
Herritar talde bat Wuhango bidegurutz batean trafikoa eteten. (Weibo bidez herritar batek zabaldutako argazkia)

The well-known Basque journalist Zigor Aldama echoed on Twitter the images that the citizens of Wuhan have disseminated through social networks:

Since the construction of the Hanyang Guodingshan incinerator was authorized by the authorities in 2004, protests have continued in Wuhan, due to the collection of well-documented databases Environment Justice Atlas. Since then, the city of Wuhan, which already has ten million inhabitants, already has six incinerators. The protests that have lifted the street since 28 June are intended to paralyse the seventh known as Chenjiachong, which according to well-informed sources has been the victim of irregularities in the licensing and public procurement processes.



The images of the protests of these days and the repression exercised by the Chinese police have been disseminated on social media. Although the Chinese network Weibo has censored many of them, it appears that it has not removed them all, and they have had an impact on Twitter, especially videos and photos. Some even mention a dead person (as can be understood using the Internet translation tools), but so far it has not been confirmed.