The Spanish Congress approves a law that seeks to abolish prostitution
  • The law seeks to impose higher fines on consumers of pimping and prostitution.
Maddi Viana Zubimendi @maddi76_ 2022ko ekainaren 07a

The PSOE law, which will be passed this Tuesday, has been endorsed by the PP and the UN Podemos. The PSOE proposal seeks to amend Article 187 of the Spanish Penal Code. The aim is to increase penalties against them in order to put an end to pimping.

These extensions include the imprisonment of three to six years and the fine to which, with violence, intimidation or deceit, forces an elderly person to prostitute himself. It will also be punishable by imprisonment for one to three years and fines anyone who benefits from the prostitution of another person, even if authorized.

It will also affect premises

Among those who get benefits from prostitution are the owners of the premises. Penalties will also be tightened up against them. In this case, on the proposal of the PSOE, they will be sentenced to imprisonment for two to four years and a fine of 18 to 24 months.