Andoain holds a women's forum in transformative projects
  • Organized by the transforming economy network of the Beterri-Buruntza region, the Visitors House of Leitzaran will bring together women working in cooperatives, projects and community enterprises to work on recognition, trust and empowerment.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko martxoaren 16a
Bigarren aldiz egingo dute emakumeen foroa Beterri-Buruntzaldeko eskualdeko proiektu eraldatzaileetako kideek. Argazkia: Beterri Saretuz

Beterri Saretuz is organising for the second time this year the Women's Forum at the Visitors' House of Leitzaran in Andoain. The objective is to bring together women working in projects and cooperatives in the Beterri-Buruntza region to "work the conditions for maintenance and mutual recognition", they explain.

In addition, in the forum they will try to identify the factors that strengthen internal trust and analyze the possible ways to nurture this trust with the experiences of all.

In short, through this forum they want to "create a space for collective empowerment and trust."

The session will start at 9:30 and will be all morning. Registration is still open.