Declaration of agri-ecological movement on wind projects
  • The associations/actors of the Basque agri-ecological movement want to give our opinion on the projects of wind power plants which are not new to us but which are emerging recently as a result of the energy crisis in different regions.
Ehkolektiboa elkartea Biolur elkartea @@BiolurGipuzkoa Bionekazaritza Arabako Nekazaritza Ekologikoaren aldeko elkartea 2022ko abenduaren 22a

The ecological crisis is closely linked to the socio-economic model we have built and to the basic needs that in daily life, but which are inevitable to live: food, energy, water, health, housing, culture, etc. The environment and life in general have been in favour of capital. Now, although the impacts of the ecological crisis are inalienable, capital aims to create new conditions for continuing to reproduce its objectives in the name of the (supposed) green and digital transition.

On the contrary, in recent years several projects have been undertaken throughout the Basque Country with a vocation of alternative, from agroecology, community surveillance, culture… and also from energy in recent times, which do not provide an integral solution to the problem we face and which forces us to reduce our energy consumption.

In this regard, we would like to point out specifically:

• To define a direction and make decisions, we consider it necessary to start from a diagnosis typical of the Basque energy model. First, to know where our energy demand is supplied, what we spend on and what its impacts are transparently, especially to become aware of the scale of the problem of the energy and ecological crisis. And from that point of view of energy dependence, we'll have to figure out where we're going to reduce consumption, taking into account that the world is limited and that the resources to maintain this system are about to run out and we live well beyond the borders of the planet. This will enable us to define the model and dimension of energy generation infrastructures.

• Furthermore, we do not believe that it is a problem to be in favour of or against the wind projects that exist and that want to be located in Araba, Navarra and other territories, because we understand that these windmills will not respond at all to the problem and to the energy demand that we have; because crises and energy needs question our way of life and our model of production and consumption. It is therefore necessary to go beyond the logic of substituting fossil energies, and with this in-depth analysis of energy demand to clarify in a transparent way what and for whom are the projects that promote energy and benefits. Because energy is not, like food, a simple commodity, but a precondition for living decent lives. It should be noted that in the first half of 2022 the price of light was 265% higher than in 2021 and 637% higher than in 2020, while in 2022 electric giants received net profits of 8,504 million euros, 28% more than in the previous year, and the largest data in recent years.

• We also think it reasonable to take into account the lessons of the past, because this is not the first time we have faced macro-projects. To do so, all the consequences and impacts of wind projects must be considered: land movements, construction of slopes, mortality and loss of birds and fauna, loss of habitats, different types of pollution (landscape, cultural, acoustic), damage originating from materials for the construction of mills slopes and waste management at the end of their life cycle, and few point to the damage that these infrastructures cause to the people living in them. In most cases, rural dwellers and animals living with them, food producers.

This also requires establishing long-term paths, from the short term, with a comprehensive look at the needs of society (food, energy, water…) and our productive structures, to decide and materialize what kind of Euskal Herria we want to live. It is time to stop this crazy and terrifying way forward. Since 1990, we have lost over 80,000 hectares of agricultural land in the Basque Country, thanks to speculative and artificial decisions. In addition, the agri-industrial food production and consumption model based on energy intensive consumption has been exhausted. In addition to energy, food dependence is extreme, far from food sovereignty.

As an agent of the agri-ecological movement, it is essential to explain our willingness to debate the situation we are experiencing and the latest energy projects being presented, as it is urgent to establish minimum ecological and social criteria. At the same time, we want to show our position: we want to liberate our mountains and understand their defence as agri-ecological self-defence. We therefore encourage citizens to become involved in existing groups and to participate in the activities they organise.

We believe that we need short-, medium- and long-term actions and strategies, and that these strategies to build desirable futures are just, liberating and vivid for all.