EiTB launches the Basque content streaming platform
  • Guarantee, disseminate and make available to all public Basque content. In addition to accumulating and making available the content produced so far, they have created products specifically for the platform.
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko irailaren 15
Plataforma hainbat euskarritan ikus daiteke: webgunean, SmartTV ezagunenetan eta Google Play eta iOS gailuetan.

The Basque content streaming platform Bikain is underway. It has been created with the aim of "guaranteeing, disseminating and making available to all audiences Basque content" and has almost 3,000 paragraphs.

In addition to making products available so far, they have also created exclusive content for the platform. For example, on 28 September, the Basque Itxaso series starring Jon Plazaola, Nerea Mazo and Itziar Atienza will premiere. In addition, this week the documentaries Porno Belaunaldia will be published in Basque, a week before their broadcast in Spanish in EiTB2.

The platform is free and can be seen on the web, on the most popular SmartTV and on mobile devices.