Sare and Etxerat call to mobilize on 7 January in Bilbao to "make a reality" the return of prisoners
  • The Citizen Network platform and the Etxerat Association are convinced that the removal policy is about to end. They have guided the motto of the demonstration to be held on 7 January in Bilbao, near the road to Etxe and the new symbol they presented on Tuesday. They recall that it is necessary to continue working because the emergency policy remains in force, among other things, by denying the changes in grade and the prison permits that legally correspond to them.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko urtarrilaren 03a
Ikur berria aurkeztu dute Sarek eta Etxerat-ek, larunbateko manifestazioaren atarian.

After two years of rupture by Pandemia, a joint demonstration is held this year between Sare and Bake Bidea - Bakegileak. They call the demonstration to defend the rights of prisoners, under the motto "Close home".

Sarek and the Etxerat Association recalled on Tuesday that 34 years have passed since the entry into force of the removal policy and have reproached the “psychological, emotional, economic and physical suffering” it has caused. The irreversible consequences are highlighted: “How can we forget the sixteen people who have died on the road in these permanent journeys?”

They have met in Donostia, convened by the two agents, trade unionists, lawyers, journalists, body builders and athletes. Bertsolari Xabier Eguzkitze, in Basque, and actress Iholdi Beristain, in Spanish, have read the statement.

Distance policy about to end

They have praised the work done to end the distancing and have emphasized that most prisoners are already in the Basque Country. In early 2023, both agents expect everyone to reach the Basque Country.

Six prisoners have already lost the third grade, despite the authorization of the Basque Government

However, they have pointed out that much remains to be done, because the emergency policy remains in place. They emphasize that Spanish justice is denying the rights that legally correspond to prisoners, such as grade changes and prison permits. There are already six prisoners who have had to return to prison after obtaining the third grade, on the initiative of the National Court.

To the current situation, new symbol

Consistent with the claim The road home nearby, they have also presented a new symbol in Donostia. On this occasion he does not have a map of Euskal Herria, because “he does not need it”, and instead of Basque prisoners to Euskal Herria, the motto will be home.

The arrows have been kept as indicators of what the way should be. The next step is to participate in the demonstration on Saturday in Bilbao.