The Permanent Social Forum has presented at the Bizkaia Bar Association the report analysing the work of the year and a half of the Government of Spain. He has put on the positive side of the balance that with the government of Sánchez the “immobilism” of the government of the PP has been left behind, but he has criticized the “half-approach” of the socialists. As explained by representatives of the Forum, the majority of EPPK prisoners are currently incarcerated between 600 and 1,100 kilometres from their place of origin, a situation that is "difficult to understand" because there is room in four prisons in Hego Euskal Herria. As for grades, most prisoners remain classified in grade 1, a "significant" amount becomes grade 2 and there is only a "small" amount 3.ean. “The step and approach to the second grade are positive steps in the right direction, but that should be used to move forward and not to get stuck on a blind road,” the representatives of the Forum said. They have also recalled that sick prisoners and those over 70 are still in prison.
Driving a comprehensive solution
The Forum has warned that, for several steps taken, the issue of prisoners "is still far from a comprehensive solution", and that this should be its objective. The Executive believes that there is a sufficient consensus among trade unions, agents and political parties to implement this comprehensive solution, and that it should be used to “leverage the Government of Spain in sectors that are against a support solution”.
Looking ahead, the Forum has proposed new steps. In the first phase, "exceptional situations", the repatriation of Basque prisoners and the acceptance of a graduation should be eliminated. The next task should be to agree on a reintegration plan “led by public institutions and agreed with agents to contribute to the attainment of parole and social reintegration”. Finally, the Forum has proposed to provide a solution to the situation of prisoners condemned by Law 7/2003, a solution consistent with “political time”, based on international parameters, to “guarantee peace and prevent the recurrence of conflict”. The criminal strategy must be put to an end.”