Resolving the case of prisoners, among the pending works
  • The International Contact Group has concluded its work in the Basque Country. At a press conference held on Wednesday by attorney Brian CURRIN, Brian CURRIN said that "there are some issues to be resolved", highlighting "the case of political prisoners."
ARGIA @argia 2018ko urriaren 18a
Besteren artean, Aieteko prentsaurrekoan izan dira EAJ, EH Bildu, EH Bai, Sortu eta Podemos alderdietako eta ELA, LAB, CCOO eta UGT sindikatuetako ordezkariak / @ForoSoziala

The International Contact Group was launched in 2011 with the aim of “streamlining, facilitating and making possible political normalization in the Basque Country”. On 9 December, the group announced that it is concluding its work, on the understanding that most of its mandate has been fulfilled.

Among those who have remained unfulfilled, CURRIN has highlighted the case of "political prisoners" in Syria. In his words, the PSOE is at the head of the Spanish Government, so there is more chance of going ahead. In this regard, he said that "there is room for hope" because there are parties in the Congress of Deputies (PNV, EH Bildu, Podemos and Catalan independentists) that can offer "moral support" to the government. It has called on civil society and Basque parties to press for the issue of prisoners to be channelled.

As for the actions of the governments, Currin stressed that the Basque Country was the first peace process carried out by civil society, without the participation of the governments involved in the conflict: "It's a unique case in the world, it hasn't happened, and this model is going to be able to be used in future to solve other conflicts," he said.

On the other hand, he pointed out that, although "progress" has been made in the "dialogue between victims of ETA and state violence", further steps must also be taken on the issue of victims.