A prisoner dies in Zaballa prison, third in two years
  • Since the Basque Government took over the transfer of prisons just two years ago, it has been the fourth death in Basque prisons, the third in Zaballa prison.
Hala Bedi @halabedi 2024ko otsailaren 07a

Salhaketa society and the media El Salto gave the news yesterday. The death of the male prisoner occurred on Tuesday, 6 February. This has been confirmed by sources from the Basque Government. The deceased was in the second category.

Sources close to the inmate called El Salto at 14:00 to warn of the prisoner's death and regretted what happened. Since the Basque Government took over the transfer of prisons just two years ago, it has been the fourth death in Basque prisons, the third in Zaballa prison.

Two months ago he last died in a Basque punishment. On 26 November, a 47-year-old migrant man appeared in his hanging cell after several days of unrest, as Salhaketa reported.

A similar case was that of the first deceased inmate in 21-year-old prison who appeared hanged in an isolation cell. In this case, the family of the appeal decided to personalise itself in the procedure to request an investigation of what happened. He is currently in training. 48 hours after death, a 57-year-old man was found dead in Martutene prison.