Press Argia Award: Zugazart
  • The strips of opinion published by Unai Iturriaga Zugaza Armur under Zugazart’s signature in Gara newspaper have received the press award of 2023. Among other things, the prize has been because it deals with topical issues with humor and rigour.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko urtarrilaren 27a

ARGIA has awarded Zugazart's strips of opinion for:

"On June 3, 2019, he published his first work in the Opinion section of the newspaper, along with the other pillars. In recognition of the trajectory of his predecessor he wrote: “With whom they deserved rigor and acidity. With affection and tenderness”. And we would say that these words also apply to themselves.

Labor strikes, attacks on the Basque Country, Enrique Maya, bertsolarism, Basque political prisoners, police, decadence of Osakidetza, hand of Irulegi, which Iñigo Urkullu has said and done... and facts from Palestine, Ukraine or Brazil. Write and draw daily in black and white, often with humor, but with the pencil very sharp.

It is able, with a couple of brushes, to get our readers to make our vision of reality, because what it teaches us is more credible than reality itself."

Unai Iturriaga 'Zugazart' / Photo: Dani Blanco

Listen to the words of the award-winning: