Euroleague Final Four in Vitoria
Action against the UPV/EHU to denounce precariousness
  • Ernai has made an action against the Vicerrectorado of the UPV campus of Vitoria-Gasteiz to denounce that the university has encouraged students to work for free in the Final Four of Vitoria-Gasteiz. Through this action, ERNAI has called to participate in the anti-precarious demonstration to be held on Saturday in Bilbao.
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Request for free work

The European basketball final to be held in Vitoria-Gasteiz has received a grant of EUR 4 million. But the Euroleague wants 170 volunteers to work for free at the event, without paying for accommodation and transportation.

The students of the Faculty of Education and Sport Sciences have received a message from the UPV/EHU encouraging them to register as volunteers for the Final Four in Vitoria-Gasteiz: “Do you want to see the 2019 Euroleague Final Four in Vitoria-Gasteiz from a special point of view? Volunteer and live inside!” The organizers have received four million euros: three million euros from the hand of the Council of Álava and the Basque Government, and one million euros from the hand of the City of Vitoria-Gasteiz and the Baskonia, but it seems that the employees of the event will not earn a penny.

Deficiencies of the Convention

On the other hand, it became clear last week that a legal report by the Basque Government points out that the agreement to organise the Euroleague Final Four in Vitoria-Gasteiz is not legal on several points. In the past, the legal services of the City of Vitoria-Gasteiz also showed something similar.