New Government
Councillors of Pradales: One was in the irregular OPE of Osakidetza, a supposed prevaricator and three Castilian speaking advisors.
  • The new government chaired by Imanol Pradales will have the largest number of councillors in history, ten from the PNV and five from the PSE-EE. The three socialist members do not know Euskera.
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2024ko ekainaren 24a

The Erdaldun press of Hego Euskal Herria has emphasized that they are counselors with a "technical" profile since Imanol Pradales presented the team on Saturday. In particular, the Jeltzales counselors referred to this "technical" profile, while the Socialists have made it "more partisan".

The PNV consists of two persons who, despite having been investigated by the public prosecutor at some point or by a certain activity, have been appointed as advisors: Alberto Martínez, Health Advisor, who for the last 23 years has been Head of the Anesthesia Area of the Hospital de Cruces; and Amaia Barredo, Minister of Food, Rural Development and Fisheries, Vice-Minister of Arantxa Tapia and Deputy Minister of Sustainability of Álava.

Alberto Martinez was one of the presidents of the 2018 irregular review court of Osakidetza’s public job offer, which has created a katramil for a long time but has not yet been clarified. He is not under investigation, but the prosecutor's office called the recording of the interview held by him and an analyst "imputable". As the journalist from El Diario, Iker Rioja, a close person who was going to do the study, asked Martínez to "welcome" him. He was not surprised, therefore, it is a sign that they have been done. However, Martínez replied that at that time he did not know whether he was going to be the head of the court or not, and that he would arrive a month later to "discuss the issue" again.

Barredo, who has been Vice-Minister for the Environment, is awaiting investigation by the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country. In fact, the prosecution considers that there may be irregularities in the processing of the authorization granted to the Bergara Valogreene Paper project. The Court of Vitoria was investigating, but since it is going to take office as a counsellor and it is going to be prepared, it will be handed over to the Supreme.

The Government of Pradales will have fifteen members, ten from the PNV and five from the PSE-EE. The PSE-EE of the Urkullu legislature had two and the PNV had one less. In that government only one counsellor was a Castilian speaker; now the three counsellors do not know Basque.


The new government has more than one obvious novelty. For example, the post of "Transport" will not be called "Sustainable Mobility", which was previously used. In addition, and most obviously, there are no departments with the name "Equality". Because, as many feminists have asked for, the Pradales Presidency is going to do, as she herself said, "feminist social policies." The other surprise is that Pradales has appointed Zupiria as a Security Advisor.

D. Imanol Pradales

President. (PNB)

Born in Santurtzi in 1978. Sociologist is a Ph.D. from the University of Deusto. Since 2007 it has been linked to the Provincial Council of Bizkaia. Member since 2011, first in the area of Economic Promotion and then in the area of Infrastructure.

Ibone Bengoetxea

First Vice-President and Counsellor for Culture and Linguistic Policy. (PNB)

Bilbao, 1967. He's a Bachelor of Psychology. City Councilor, President of EUDEL, Member of the Council for seven years and from the EiTB directorate.

Mikel Torres

Second Vice-President and Counsellor for Economy, Employment and Labour. (PSE-EE)

Portugalete, 1970. Degree in Economic and Business Sciences from the UPV/EHU and with two PhDs in Economics. He has been PSE Secretary-General in Bizkaia since 2014 and mayor in his hometown.

He doesn't know Euskera.

María Ubarretxe

Government spokesperson and Minister for Governance, Digital Administration and Self-Government. (PNB)

Urretxu, 1980. After working in the Department of Employment and Social Policies of the Government, he was Mayor of Arrasate between 2015 and 2023. After losing the mayor's office, she has been a Member of Road Infrastructure of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.

Bingen Zupiria

Security Advisor. (PNB)

Hernani, 1961. After being director of ETB and Deia, and among them advisor to lehendakari Ardanza, he has been ruled by the Department of Culture and Linguistic Policy in the previous two legislatures. He has also been a spokesman for the Government.

Begoña Pedrosa

Education Advisor. (PNB)

Areatza, 1975. It replaces the former counselor. He was previously Dean of MU for six years. He is a PhD in Applied Linguistics.

Noel D'Anou Olaizola

The Minister of Finance and Finance. (PNB)

Irun, 1975. He has developed his professional career in banking. He has had several responsibilities in the last ten years in Kutxabank.

Mikel Jauregi

Minister of Industry, Energy Transition and Sustainability. (PNB)

Zarautz, 1974. He has been working for more than 20 years in the business sector, abroad, particularly in the energy sector. Until now he was in the United Kingdom as director of the company Centrica PLC. He worked in a large oil company in the UK.

Javier Hurtado

Minister of Tourism, Trade and Consumption. (PSE-EE)

Madrid, Spain, 1981 You will have the second legislature in government and the same responsibility. He was a former deputy in Álava.

He doesn't know Euskera.

Juan Ignacio Pérez Iglesias

Universities, Minister of Science and Innovation. (PNB)

Salamanca, Spain, 1960. Professor of Physiology, was rector of the UPV/EHU between 2004 and 2008. Coordinator of the Chair of Scientific Culture of the UPV/EHU and responsible for the portal of dissemination of Kaiera Science.

Denis Itxaso

Housing and Urban Planning Counselor. (PSE-EE)

San Sebastián, 1975. A well-known face in Basque politics, which has spent more than two decades in institutional positions associated with the PSE-EE. Until recently he has been the representative of the Government of Spain in the CAPV.

Nerea Melgosa

Minister of Welfare, Youth and Demographic Challenge. (PNB)

Vitoria, 1970. The end of Urkullu's last term of office entered the government to be a counselor for Equality, Justice and Social Policy.

Alberto Martínez

Health Advisor. (PNB)

Trapagaran, 1964. He has been Head of the Anesthesiology Service at Cruces Hospital for more than twenty years. He presided at the irregular OPE 2018 in Osakidetza.

Susana García

Minister for Sustainable Mobility. (PSE-EE)

San Sebastián, 1969. One of the people with a trajectory in the game. He has been a member of the Gipuzkoa Board for a long time.

Amaia Barredo

Minister for Food, Agricultural Development and Fisheries. (PNB)

San Sebastián, 1970. Bachelor of Food Science and Technology, has held positions of responsibility in areas related to the subject. Previously Deputy Councilor of Tapia, Director of Food Quality and currently Deputy Foral of Álava. The Attorney General's Office of the Basque Country is under investigation for a suspected case of prevarication.

Maria Jesús San José

The Counsellor for Justice.

Sestao, 1966. Known face in the PSE-EE. He was director of the Secretariat in the government of Patxi López and counsellor of Employment and Justice in the second term of office of Urkullu.

He doesn't know Euskera.