Several neighbors affected by the works of Luxury denounce the “impunity” of the PP Antepara
  • Alain Luxury lives on the first floor under the street Correría del Casco Viejo de Vitoria-Gasteiz. He contacted ARGIA after reading the reports of the company Luxury and Gustavo Antepara's scrolls, as he was having problems with the company and the PP member. He complains that as a result of the works executed without a license he suffered and continues to suffer damage to the house and that Antepara has responded aggressively and falsely to his requests. Approaching the portal of Calle Correría to perform the interview, chance has provoked the encounter with two other neighbors affected by the same works. ARGIA briefly reflected his testimony. ARGIA has contacted Antéparara by telephone to collect his version, but did not want to make a statement.
Zigor Olabarria Oleaga @zoleaga1 2023ko abenduaren 18a
Alain, Hedegile kaleko bere etxean. Dos por Dos

In addition, the testimony of Alain (he prefers not to give his surname) has shown that, although he formally abandoned the position of manager of the company Luxury, Antépara continues to perform administrative and management tasks; that he has rented as a tourist apartment without authorization during the summer; or that he works by hand with Pilar Perosanza. Perosanz is the new manager of the company and the president of the association Arabatur, who works as a lobby to change the municipal regulations of tourist apartments.

He had problems with Gustavo Antépa with the Luxury works on the floor over his home in October 2022. When did they start?

My first contact was with Pilar Perosanz. She told me it was for her daughter that she wanted to make floors and improvements. Then I had contact with Gustavo Antépa while performing works on the floor. The workers left the stairs dirty and with waste and I asked them if they were licensed to do the work, there was no license visible on the portal: "That's talking to my boss." Gustavo glued the door to me for a while. He told me I didn't have to put the license, I told him I had to make it law. We started arguing and eventually admitted to me that yes, but I didn't put it because on the portal came some strange people. Then I found out I was not licensed.

What problems have you had at home?

The water has leaked several times from its weight to me. I got compensation of EUR 2,400 after having fought hard with insurance, because it caused me damage on television, computer, steels, land... Gustavo told me that everything was the result of a bucket of fallen water to Pilar. When the agents stopped the work, on the floor there were several operators who said that they had escaped through a tube. I wanted to fix it through insurance, but Gustavo didn't want to give me his name. I had to insist and after three or four days I managed to deliver it. We spent eight weeks away from home in smoke.

Now you also have problems at home, as I see.

Yes, when you use water on the Luxury floor I get water, for example when you shower. This is not the first time it has happened. And I'm not attentive, even to the ground floor neighbor. We ask Gustavo to keep the water key closed, but he doesn't.

You tell me that with Antépa treatment is not easy.

I recognize him as a good merchant. He speaks with great respect and correction... until he opposes it. If you take him against, he gets up, he starts to speak loudly, he tends to point with his finger, and it is the phrase that most repeats, "I don't have any problems, I warn you." He has told me this several times, once in a particularly aggressive and arrogant way. I went to the Ertzaintza, I was told that this is not a threat in itself, but a complaint to put it so that, if something happened, there would be evidence of it.

He told me they don't pay the community.

No. He says the community owes him the money because he fixed a community beam. It is true that in the community he was given permission to fix it, but he did not submit a budget, we have not approved any budget.

Moisture remains on the roof of the Alain house room. Photo: Bi by two.


Markel: “I feel unprotected, how far did we get?”

Markel lives on the ground floor of the portal (prefers not to give its true name). Luxury is angry that the workers broke the tube of her fireplace at the beginning of the works and did not give her the warning. Like Alain, he asked them for a work license, but not. Next, he says that with the waste, the patio plants and the ropes were broken to hang the clothes. And that the workers would leave the portal full of waste and dust and go home. He told Antépa that he had to clean the portal: “He told me he didn’t ask the workers for that because they should pay it separately, so I washed it for several days, scoring the hours. Then I asked him to pay those hours and laugh.”

Since the work he has had moisture problems several times, according to him, because he lowers the weight of Luxury to water. The last one two weekends ago. “I and Alain told us that that water was not theirs, that it came from the house of the adjoining portal, because on the other side of the wall there was a toilet. We went to Alain and I to see that neighbor's room. There were no toilets, but a room.”

Susana: “They broke my room wall”

Susana is the neighbor of the portal along with Alain and Marcos. When Alain and Markel ask themselves, they discover this week that the works of Luxury have damaged other people and that Antépa has accused them of the latest problems. He speaks totally surprised. “I was told that Antépa told them that the water leaks they have are due to the “hysterical” of the attached portal, by me.” He says, on the contrary, that he is harmed, it is not a creative damage: “When the works began [October 2022], a day I was at home, I heard some incredible blows. I came to the room and here – the wall points us – I saw a big gap.” He called the Municipal Police, where he detected the comprehensive works of unauthorized reform. He denounced it in his insurance and explained that they could not contact the person responsible for the works. In the end he called to fix the wall a mason: “It took two days to fix it.” Your insurance company and Luxury are now facing a conflict over damages.

Neighbours tell you what other problems Luxury has created and how they are playing in Antéa and Perosanz: “It’s terrible, dire impunity. No one should say anything at the City Hall? The leftist parties either?”


Antépa left the post of Luxury administrator in July 2022 and Perosanz took over. Both and the PP say that Antépa’s only connection with the company are actions. However, as far as it is concerned, he continues to manage the vicissitudes of the house [the neighbors of the Luxury portal on the Pintor street have also assured ARGIA that they see Antépara frequently].

Gustavo approaches much more than Pilar. Here you park the car next door and you see the workers taking steps. It's also happened when you've had the rented house, you've left things or you've taken them. Because people have been here, even though the house is not registered as a tourist apartment.

It is, in turn, the president of the association Perosanz Arabatur, who is trying to change the regulations of tourist apartments. The public society Antépara Ensanche 21 has represented the PP in the two previous legislatures, and after the elections in May the party has been appointed advisor to the municipal group of the PP. Would you say they work together?

Yes, it is obvious. I've talked to the two, but when I talked to Pilar about some problem, I was often called Gustavo as an insult. "What did you say to my wife? he would say.

The City Council has imposed on Luxury a fine of 500 euros for performing the works of the portal without authorization, the least amount foreseen in the regulations.

It seems to me little considering that it carries out the works without a licence and that it can damage the buildings. Many buildings in the Old Town are over 200 years old. If you drive a car constantly failing to comply with the regulations and showing a macabre behavior, they take your card off. In any case, I do not expect anything from the city council, because it knows what is going on.

The Gasteiz Txiki Neighbourhood Association or the Auzo Bizi network denounce Antépa’s action, which asked all parties to “position”.

It is not credible that all this is not known in your party, nor in the city hall in general, it was the seventh on the electoral list. You know why this man has impunity of size. Do the other parties also have their own Antéa and therefore have a certain pact not to face up to it. I find it regrettable, but I do not expect anything.

As I’ve heard your neighbors up to the portal, you’re not the only person affected by Luxury’s works. Do you intend to do something together?

I hope so.