The Portuguese Parliament can start the road to legalization of euthanasia on Tuesday
  • After the recent legalization of abortion and same-sex marriage — in 2007 and 2010, respectively — Portuguese authorities will decide on Tuesday whether or not to proceed with the legalization of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide.
Maddi Txintxurreta @mtxintxurreta 2018ko maiatzaren 29a
Eutanasiaren aurkako manifestazioa Portugalen (Arg: La Vanguardia)

Portugal opens its doors to the debate on euthanasia. The debate and proposals for the legalization of euthanasia have been promoted by the country’s leftist parties. Religious parties—Christians, Muslims, and Jews—have strongly opposed it.

With controversial issues, it is customary in Portugal for party leaders not to ask for votes for or against, so that their members can make a decision according to their own ethics. This is how the vote on the legalization of euthanasia will take place on Tuesday, and if the affirmative comes out, it could legalize euthanasia.

Euthanasia is only legal in Belgium, Canada, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. In Switzerland and some states of the United States, assisted suicide is legal.