It will be in Portugalete IV. Andrea Awards, June 8
  • The initiative aims at the visibility of women and other non-hegemonic identities, with the participation of eight bertsolaris. @bertsozale 2024ko ekainaren 07a

This year the Lady’s Prize has its fourth edition. It will be held on 8 June in Portugalete. This year, the prize will consist of a single day, so a programme will be organised from morning to afternoon.

In the morning, at 12:30, a bertso-poteo will be offered by the members of the bertso-eskola Ahalduntze, starting with the bar Izar Gorria. A meal will then be held in the market of Portugalete at 14:30 hours. You need to register beforehand (here).

The prize will be held at 17:30 hours in the market itself. Tickets may be purchased on the ticket in exchange for your will. The eight bertsolaris that will act in singing are:

Haira Aizpurua Ibargarai

Jone Uria Albizuri

Maialen Akizu Bidegain

Ana Zuazubiskar Iñarra

Araitz Katarain Mugarza

Ibai Lekuona Darceles

Eukene de los Aires Amundarain

Irati Majuelo Itoiz

It will act as rapporteur Idoia Anzorandia Kareaga.

Union of All Women Day

In order to make visible both women and the underlying identities, four years ago the Lady’s Prize was created, driven by generational and territorial alliances.

The image of this year is precisely what it represents: the imperdibles. According to the organizers, the link is a tool that can replace “all women”: “Zorroza” is the link and can serve to ‘gather all’ at the same time.”