In Portugal, bullfighting will not be allowed for children under the age of 16
  • The Council of Ministers adopted the Royal Decree on Thursday in its plenary session. It was the condition imposed by the animalist party PAN to approve the budgets.
Leire Artola Arin 2021eko urriaren 15
NBEk 2019an eskatu zioten Portugali zezeketetara joateko gutxieneko adina igotzeko. / Argazkia: Unitel.

In Portugal, children under the age of 16 will no longer be able to attend bullfighting. The web has reported that a royal decree law was passed on Thursday in the Council of Ministers. According to the Portuguese Government, the United Nations Commission on the Rights of the Child (UN) asked them in 2019 to increase the minimum age to attend bullfights, and that is why they have done the law.

However, the legislative decree has had another importance: it has been decisive for the approval of the budgets. In fact, the Socialist Party of Antonio Costa needed the vote of the animalist party PAN, and the condition they laid was that this law be enforced. The parliamentarian of the Real Pan Inés de Sousa, for her part, has described the victory achieved as "important victory".