Denounce the "brutality" of the events on the border between Poland and Belarus
  • The rally took place this Sunday at noon under the motto “Europe guilty”. The Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak Araba group has called for open and secure roads without borders.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko azaroaren 22a
Argazkia: OEE Araba

This Sunday at noon dozens of people have concentrated on the concentration convened by the ONGI collective Etorri Errefuxiatuak Araba. The “thousands” of people who have gathered on the border between Poland and Belarus, “many of them minors”, have been recalled. They denounce that Europe is building “third country” borders on the “commodification” of migrants’ lives. Governments and European elites have been “directly” responsible for the causes that lead migrants to flee their countries.

OEE Araba has called for “legal and safe ways and territories without borders” and “policies based on human and social rights”. It has called on the citizens to mobilize in order not to be “accomplices” “in the Balkans, Ceuta and Melilla, in the concentration camps of the Greek Islands and the Canary Islands, in the Sahara desert, in the Mediterranean Sea, in the Atlantic Ocean, in the Alps or in the Bidasoa River, in our homes, in view of what happens in our streets”. It has also been taken into account the migrant who was found dead on Saturday in the river Bidasoa as he passed through Spain.