The Commission for the Recognition of Victims of Police Violence is underway in Navarre
  • The first meeting of the members of the Commission was held together with the Social Affairs Council of the Government of Navarra, Ana Ollo. It shall examine, inter alia, applications for victim status.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2022ko irailaren 22a
Batzordeko kideak Nafarroako Jauregian; Ana Ollo sailburuak gidaturik bildu dira (argazkia: Nafarroako Gobernua)

The Commission for the Recognition of Victims of Police and Extreme Right Violence met on Thursday morning at the Palacio de Navarra, under the direction of Councillor Ana Ollo. The Commission has been created by the Foral Law 2019 and its composition has been agreed in the Parliament of Navarra with four members elected by PSN, Geroa Bai, EH Bildu, Podemos and I-E.

Human Rights Counselor Mikel Berraondo, sociologist Marta Rodríguez, historian Roldan Jimeno and jurist Soledad Barber are part of the commission as well as five other people: The commission will be chaired by Martín Zabraise, director of Peace, Coexistence and Human Rights, and will act as secretary José Miguel Gastón of the Navarro Institute of Memory, with the participation of the experts Iñaki Pradini and Mikel Urtiaga and sociologist Silvia Galarreta.

The first meeting referred to the internal rules and procedures for the recognition of victims, as explained by the Government of Navarra. Ollo sees the commissioning of the committee as "an important step": "We have had a lot of difficulties on the part of the state and right wing groups to recognize the victims," the Daily News Advisor said.

Last May, in the Parliament of Navarre, a bill prospered to adapt the 2019 Foral Law. It was an initiative of PSN, Geroa Bai and Ahal Dugu, but it was also supported by EH Bildu and Ezkerraldea. It is currently in the process. The new proposal seeks to delve into aspects not guaranteed by the previous law, such as the granting of "precise" compensation to victims and "legal certainty".