Spy cops scandal
Infiltrated police become children with entrepreneurs in the UK
  • Directly, a digital publication has published the case of a Spanish infiltrated police officer who sought affective sex with several women to facilitate access to militant environments. Similar events emerge in the United Kingdom, where infiltrated policemen come to have children and flee afterwards.
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2023ko urtarrilaren 31

Under the name of Spy Cops, numerous cases have been reported in the publication of the same name in the United Kingdom. According to the study carried out at the social level, since 1968 and for at least 40 years the Police has used the aforementioned method, to maintain affective sexual relations with the spied person. Following public complaints, in 2015 the UK Government decided to open a commission of inquiry to analyse and publish the cases, which are still ongoing. This commission reported the "close relationship" with the British intelligence service MI5 by the police officers who implemented these practices.

The case of Helen Steel and others

They met at a demonstration by the Greenpeace group in the late 1980s. Helen Steel was 23 years old, the same 28, presumed John Dines, an infiltrated police officer. He says that he lost his parents and ran out of family or almost friends, and that he moved from residence to return to life. Steele looked with sorrow, joined political ideas, and as he seemed sympathetic, they became friends. She says the woman chased him for a few years, joining the planet she organized: they sabotaged several bowls shakes in Yorkshire and took action against the McDonald's chain. Dines participated in these cases and, according to Steel, demonstrated his initiative to join the group. This is the experience in the book Deep Deception, along with other colleagues.

Although he looked sadly at him at first, the closeness fell in love. They rented a floor in London and went to live together. But Dines wasn't so happy: he wanted to leave the city, go to the countryside and have children. The woman told the British newspaper The Guardian that she was about to convince in this interview, but she didn't. He later learns that the man was married and Indian left, and since then he has no news of him.

The book containing the testimonies has given much to talk about in the UK, where police victims have denounced "political and institutional violence" for being "raped".

Victims of police infiltrated in Barcelona report repression

The Catalan media Directo has announced that several women have denounced the repression when their cases have been made known. The police infiltrated the free neighborhood of La Cinètika, allowing them to protect and bring their victims closer.