Demonstration in Baiona to denounce the shooting of a citizen
  • Half a hundred people have concentrated in front of the Baiona police station to make public a message against the police violence of the working capital. Agents have reported that on Monday 01:00 a woman has been shot to death in the working capital. According to the Baiona Court, two judicial investigations have been opened into this event, which has been motivated.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2021eko urtarrilaren 12a
Poliziaren hilketa salatzeko elkarretaratzea, Baionan

More than half a hundred citizens concentrated on the night of 11 January in front of the Baiona police station, after placing the "stop aux violences policières" banderola on the front line. In the early morning of the same day, the Baiona Police have denounced the shooting of a 37-year-old woman.

Following the official version, based on the explanations of the police present, the car driver tried to escape the control established by the police: "The driver would insult the police, throw himself violently, hitting the police car," Baiona's attorney explained in a statement.

With the appointment in front of the Baiona police station, a demonstration began shortly in the working capital, which ended with the protest in front of the subprefecture. Here's Oihana Teysey's tweet from the middle Berria:

The organizers have made it clear that this murder is not one-time or isolated: "The crisis that has accelerated the pandemic has led to increased police violence and increased controls."

Two ongoing judicial investigations

The Foral Police has opened two judicial investigations into this event, which has been investigated by the Police. In the first place, the driver's attitude will be investigated "for refusing to obey whoever has the public authority and for trying to kill it", while in the second place it will be investigated "for voluntary homicide" or for police murder. The structure of the IGPN in charge of investigating police activities will analyze whether the use of the weapon has been "legitimate" in the investigation.

The problem is that these two investigations will focus on police testimonies, as there was no version of the deceased and, in addition, it occurred during the night, without witnesses.

French police kill 27 in 2020

In 2020, the French police killed 27 people. Eleven shots were killed, which is no exception: in the last four years 55 have been shot to death by the French police. He killed two other drowned, as did African-American Georges Floyd, who was sadly popularized in 2020.