The Police receives the centre of Vitoria-Gasteiz on the occasion of the Conference on Victims of Terrorism
  • The UN International Conference on Victims of Terrorism will be held at the Europe Palace in Vitoria-Gasteiz on Tuesday and Wednesday. Among the attendees were the King of Spain Felipe VI, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albars, and the Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko urriaren 07a
Felipe VI.a Espainiako Erregea Gasteizen izango da asteartean. Espainiako Errege Etxea

Under the motto Education as a tool for prevention, the construction of peace and the empowerment of victims of terrorism, the Conference will bring together over 300 Basque representatives, including the lehendakari of the CAV Imanol Pradales and the mayor of Vitoria-Gasteiz Maider Etxeberria. Organized by the United Nations, the Government of Spain and the City of Vitoria-Gasteiz, one of its objectives is "to promote solidarity with the victims of terrorism around the world, regardless of their religion, nationality or ethnicity". Felipe VI.ak, Albars and Grande-Marlaska face this Tuesday on the second day of the Aste Nagusia of Bilbao.

During the conference, many policemen will control the Europe Palace and the adjacent streets. Several roads will remain cut to road traffic, as well as several pedestrian roads.

The second edition of the UN World Congress of Victims of Terrorism, held in New York (USA). Representatives of the Member States of the United Nations, international organisations, victims of terrorism and experts to "continue to make progress in policies for the protection, repair and memory of victims". This conference is a "decisive step" in ensuring that the rights of victims of terrorism "are respected and their protected memories respected", according to the organizers.

Among the topics to be addressed are the voices of Resilience: The victim of terrorism is called to be a peace defender and educator. Participants will discuss how victims can become agents of change and advocates of peace. "The victims of terrorism play a fundamental role in building peace because they share their experiences and promote social cohesion," the organizers explained. It will also address the role of Governments and institutions, educational strategies and awareness-raising campaigns, as well as public policies in memory of victims.