They denounce the social control of police forces in Alsasua
  • Last Saturday, 28 August, more than a thousand people demonstrated in Alsasua. At the Ospa Eguna, as Guaix reported on his website. The "repressive forces" in Euskal Herria claimed their "distancing" from the area.
Xabier Letona Biteri @xletona 2021eko abuztuaren 30
Argazkia: Guaixe

The fight against repression remains the motto chosen for this year’s edition. The regular edition organizes a multitude of events with a view to the Eguna Spa, but this year a commemorative exhibition of the Egunak Spa has been held for three days and, as a central event, the demonstration on Saturday. This year’s main message has been the “suffocating control” of citizens by police forces, recalling George Orwell’s 1984 book.

At the end of the demonstration, the organizers affirmed that “in the last year and a half social control has reached the level of historical novel”, and that this social control is seen as a practice of “dynamics of capital accumulation of the capitalist system”. Several parties and mass media assured that support for social control is key.

They also denounced that the mobilisations that have taken place in the last year and a half have resulted in fines of up to EUR 25,000. Also in other places in Euskal Herria there is repression by the police forces that have placed it in the context of "repression against the expropriated". They have stressed that this repression "will only end when the capitalist system is comprehensively overcome", for what they call the citizens to organize.

Great media impact

As in recent years, it has been offered a great media impact by the Spanish right-wing media, criminalizing the Eguna Spa and supporting the Spanish security forces, especially the Civil Guard. Far-right politicians have also sought an echo in Alsasua.

The Spanish and Navarre right, in general, has charged the Government of Spain in demand of the prohibition of the act, by holding EH Bildu directly responsible and those who have accused Geroa Bai and PSN of complicity. On social media, several citizens have recalled that the Eguna Ospa has been held without a ban during the years of Mariano Rajoy of pp or Yolanda Barcina of UPN.

Mayor of Alsasua, Javier Ollo (Geroa Bai), said that citizenship in general has not joined the initiative and that mobilisation should be understood “in the context of the right to freedom of expression and assembly” that democracy allows.