We can "embarrass" for opposing the publication of a Francoist torturer's service sheet
  • EH Bildu asked yesterday, February 4, at the Congress of Deputies for the publication of the Francoist police service sheet Billy El Niño. The request has not been approved, as PSOE, pp, Citizens, Vox and Podemos voted against it. The latter apologised for the ‘mistake’ he made and said that, if there is another vote, he will vote ‘yes’ to the coalition’s proposal.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko otsailaren 05
Podemoseko idazkari orokorra eta herri-kontseiluko bi kide. Argazkia: La voz de Galicia

The rejection of Podemos has caused a stir in Parliament, as the party has spoken on more than one occasion against the torturer franquista.Frente to the "no", parties such as EH Bildu, ERC or BNG have asked for explanations for the formation of Churches, after which the vice-president has asked for forgiveness via Twitter.

The party has asked for forgiveness "with shame", acknowledging that there has been a mistake and that when the vote "yes" is re-voted it will. He stressed that the only reason for refusing the petition was the doubt about the legality of the petition, and he clarified that he will continue to work not only to publish the franchisor's service sheet, but to take away the decorations he has.