Wars between the poor
Zigor Olabarria Oleaga @zoleaga1 2022ko azaroaren 21a
Argazkia: Ecuador Etxea.

“You already have a currency please and a currency please!” said one of the diners to the person who found at the supermarket door asking: one year earlier I asked in another supermarket, then you need a cover. There we were interviewing, at the turn of the great celebration air meal, each of us rejoicing their affairs. “Don’t tell me “good morning,” we don’t know each other!” he added to the bakery’s entrance beggar another: the greeting made such violence uncomfortable. And that those who ask in the form of poor earn more than “us” – the butcher told me that he had once seen the benefits of the day shared by hand” – and others.

"Those on the other side of the trench are usually the class conflict of lights. The war between the poor in mass impoverishment, even on the left too often"

The accent on food made me feel the heart of the days, and the heart reminded me of some of the controversies that I have kept in a beautiful left-wing environment with regard to the GI. That there are many vitalists, who prefer to live in pottery rather than pay, that we must put pressure on those who are going to work for the same pay, and not irreverently, so that the wages of misery disappear. That they give uncontrolled benefits and that fraud is terrible, families; that fraud has never reached 2% according to government data and that those who receive it are also inspected by current accounts and houses, that I took the benefit of paying four menus with the card from a friend. That immigrants have more rights than “we” when receiving benefits, the family; that besides lying, it is in fact the opposite, that I read the conditions for receiving benefits and not the group Correo. Not to them, but to Latin Americans the institutions, the African immigrant friends, are repeating to me the same lies that white friends tell me, me.

Had the Heart, the Migration of José Mari Esparza not yet gone? No, I thank him for the article, because he attributed to capitalism the responsibility of the “us” (Basques) salary decrease, but he focused on migrants. Esparza brought me to the stalk of the Basque fugitive that I met in the distant exile: responsible for the fall in the wages of “us” (men) that women were doing to enter the job market.

And I've reminded the ertzaina who visited the house to see if the roommate who picked up the RGI actually lived in it, during the police anti-fraud operation. “I am surprised that you come to those who receive the RGI in search of fraud, when we are tens of thousands, official fraud of 1% and trivial money, and not to companies, being few businessmen, acknowledged tax fraud of 20% and elliptical amount,” I said: “No, they don’t send us to the site and they won’t send us to shame…” Unfortunately, those on the other side of the trench are often the ones with the class of lights conflict.

The war between the poor during mass impoverishment, even on the left too often. Another war is possible -- if you try to differentiate the trenches from the enemies.