Empties the gaztetxe Danontzat by Plentzia – Gorliz
  • In Barikua, members of the gaztetxe Danontzat of Plentzia – Gorliz had called auzolan, "taking advantage of the local barriers that had fallen." They explain that the technical situation of the Arpillo building can have solutions, "but for political reasons the City of Plentzia does not want to meet with us". In view of this, they wanted to demand that Mayor Elixabete Uribarri "give his face" and join them, "as we have asked him in the last two years".
Hiruka .eus Iker Rincon Moreno 2022ko urriaren 24a
Argazkia: Danontzat gaztetxea

It has been two years since the City of Plentzia permanently closed the premises and the Arpillo building. However, in Barikua, the municipal staff set up a workshop at one of the premises and the members of the gaztetxe Danontzat called auzolan to fix the area and recover the space. However, the Municipal Guard and the Ertzaintza went to the place, identified the people gathered and changed the lock of the self-managed space.

"We explained to the police that we presented an architect's report and wanted to negotiate with the City Hall to be there. These arguments did not matter to the local police and said that there were no technical reasons not to be present, accepting that the reasons were political," the members of the gaztetxe lament.

During these two years, the young Danontzat have denounced that they have not received a municipal response or alternatives. During this time it is explained that on more than one occasion requests have been made for meetings with the Mayor and the report of an Architect has been submitted. "He's in the City Hall over a year ago, but we haven't received a response. We believe that that space is needed, and we call it auzolan to recover it and sort it out."


At 17:00 in the morning the young people had called their work as auzolan, and they remembered that in the morning in one of the premises of Arpillao there were municipal staff working to set up a "kind of workshop". In view of this, the evicted once again question the situation of the building: "How is it possible that they're there without any problems and we don't? If it is dismantled, do the authorities not care about the health of their workers or the situation is not so serious? ".

In view of this, a call was opened to initiate resident work, which was attended by several members. However, soon appeared the agents "responding to Elixabete's correct order". The young people gathered refused to leave, so they called the Ertzaintza, "five vans came, held us for an hour inside gaztetxe and identified the five members present." Subsequently, a locksmith changed the gaztetxe door lock.

The Ertzaintza accuses the five identified members of serious disobedience and the teenagers wait for the City of Plentzia to make a complaint.

After what happened in Barikua, the members of the gaztetxe have claimed that this self-managed space is a "space of the people" and that they have every right to be there. They say that the technical situation of the building may have solutions, but they regret that the reasons for not being in it are political, "and that is why the City Hall does not want to meet with us".