Producing fuel by burning plastics? New "ecological" cancer technique in the United States
  • The Environmental Protection Agency EE.UU. has authorised the Chevron refinery to generate fuel by burning plastics in the name of the environmental strategy and reducing oil dependence. However, among those breathing air, one in four would develop cancer, according to the study of ProPublica and The Guardian.
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko martxoaren 01

The new fuel generation technique developed by the Californian oil company Chevron causes cancer, according to the study of ProPublica and The Guardian. He says that among those who breathe air, one in four would develop cancer. The Environmental Protection Agency EE.UU. (EPA) has accepted the company’s proposal, placing the climate within the ecological strategy that faces the crisis.

This type of fuel is generated from the incineration of plastic and is intended for use for aircraft engines. Gases emitted during the generation process are harmful to the environment and human health. The study concludes that it would increase CO2 emissions. In addition, among those who breathe this fuel, the chance of developing cancer is 225,000 times higher than EPA allowed and more dangerous than smoking tobacco.

It appears that the EPA is aware of the risk posed by this type of fuel and workers claim to be aware of the data.

According to Chevron's plans, plastic will be incinerated in the city of Pascagoula in Mississippi. So most affected communities will be poor and black.