Eco-social approaches in Aralar
Aitziber Sarobe @naturkon 2021eko ekainaren 07a

In recent years, the leaders of the CAV have fed more and more of the speeches and ways of doing in Madrid, which has made the public media here, and not so public, into loudspeakers of their accounts.

Madrilenian populism is imposing on us; that is, the model of dualistic politics, which, apart from ideological approaches, bases its political discourse on the representation of the enemy: either you are in my favour or you are an enemy.

This attitude is reflected not only in the actions of the political parties, but also in that of the social agents who live in their thinking. An example of this is the article The Arnaldo calculator (Arnaldo calculator) that was published in the Kanpolibean column that the ENBA representative writes every Sunday on May 2. On the pretext of the reopening of the Aralar pastures which took place in early May, he expresses his satisfaction at the file of the case against the Aralar slopes, and makes public his opinion of the conflict there, appealing to the extreme conservationists (“the most radical conservationists”) or those of conservation (“the radicals of conservation, deconstruction, etc. ), appealing or criticising the more radical approaches ("conservation in conservation").

"First of all, we should clarify what the eco-spatial approaches are and, today, in Aralar, who defends them"

Not only those unjust and ugly words, but in his article he shows the hallmark of populism: he puts in the same bag “radicals of conservation” of associations, municipalities and political parties. Manichean discourse for the polarization of society: they (defenders of the interests of farmers) and their enemies (all who do not join them).

To begin with, we should clarify what the eco-social approaches are and who is defending them today in Aralar. In fact, the associations and entities that demand sustainable and responsible management of Aralar do not require the reduction of the area of grassland, but the authorization of herds and quantities of livestock that permit maintaining or recovering the ecological quality of such grassland.

The atmosphere that has been created in this area of Gipuzkoa is ugly. Throughout the week, we hear facts and statements that are a source of conflict, often through the mouths of social representatives.

For example, the appearance of the PNV and the ENBA and EHNE-Gipuzkoa unions against the Enirio-Aralar community was serious. Now, when EH Bildu has a majority, they protested because it has enforced the ordinances it once approved with the majority of the PNV. Does it suggest that the PNV is licensed to break the regulations, perhaps because, following the representative of ENBA, it complies with them in the electoral calculator?

It is also worth mentioning the events we have recently experienced. Faced with the shooting of the cow, they have called for a concentration of solidarity with the mayor of Abaltzisketa. According to the mayor himself, 20 days after the cow's death, he has realized that he was shot. He does not know who and why he has done such barbarity, nor how, but he has taken advantage of this fact to refer to the enemies of the farmers (not to mention a name), counting the many damage and events that have taken place in Aralar for years.

Such behaviour is not new, but the work of representatives of societies and political parties should not lead to the division of society. Ecologists and natural conservationists are not enemies of pastors and farmers. Others, because we need them to preserve grasses, provided that their activity is compatible with biodiversity and the conservation of the natural heritage.