The Carcastillo fire is still on and alive
  • This morning they still don't have the fire under control. The Government of Navarra has established the 2nd level of alert of the Civil Emergency Protection Plan and has reminded social networks that on Tuesday the fire risk remains “extreme”.
Maddi Viana Zubimendi @maddi76_ 2022ko uztailaren 26a
Zarrakazteluko sutea. Argazkia: Nafarroako Suhiltzaileak, @bomberos_na Twitterren.

The fire took place on 25 July in Carcastillo, Navarra. The fire has taken place next to farmland and has spread to a pine grove. The Navarro Civil Protection and Emergency Service is reporting on Twitter about the development of the fire.

The Emergency Service reports that the works carried out by the fire brigade during the night and the favourable weather conditions have meant that the land affected by the fire has not increased excessively. However, this morning on Tuesday they still do not have control of the fire, although on Monday afternoon they said otherwise.

In the Carcastillo area farmers have watered the area with their tractors to prevent the spread of the fire.

Heat comes for long

In Navarre, they have been fighting several fires for months. The heat is maintained and the risk of fires has not ceased.

According to the World Meteorological Organization, this heat situation will last for at least 40 years and the planet will continue to warm up, whether or not it will stop climate change. We are seeing truly devastating fires, and a study by Scientific Reports tells us that we have to prepare for more in the coming years.