The offer and rental of rooms for rent in Hego Euskal Herria is growing
  • The offer of rooms for rent during the last year has increased in the four capitals of Hego Euskal Herria, especially in Donostia. San Sebastian remains the most expensive capital: the average price of a room per month is around 450 euros, in Bilbao 400 euros and in Vitoria and Pamplona 350 euros.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko abuztuaren 17a

According to the report prepared by the idealist and expanded by the EFE, the offer of shared apartment rooms has increased considerably in the last twelve months, especially in San Sebastian, 48%, in Pamplona, 34% and in Bilbao, 30%. In Vitoria it has been limited to 1%.

As regards prices, San Sebastian remains the most expensive, but falls by 2% with an average of around EUR 450. In Bilbao it has risen by 8%, with an average of EUR 400, in Vitoria by 6% and in Pamplona by 3%, both with an average of EUR 350.

In Bilbao, San Sebastian and Pamplona we can find a similar profile among those sharing housing, according to this portal: people between 32 and 33 years old, with an average in Vitoria of 44 years old.

At the state level, the offer of shared housing has increased by 34% in the last year and the price has increased by 3%, to 350 euros per month. People who share have a profile similar to last year, but the average age has risen to 34 years.