ENBA calls for "respect" for political representatives in favour of highways
  • The agricultural association ENBA voted in favour of the project for the adaptation of the road between the hulets of Enirio and Igaratza for motor vehicles and presented a motion for support to the political leaders who have worked in the 15 municipalities that make up the Enirio-Aralar Commonwealth.
Tolosaldeko Ataria @tolosaldeataria 2018ko urriaren 31
Aralarren Eniriotik Igaratzako pista berriaewn urratze lanetan. (Argazkia: Ataria)

According to ENBA in a press release, "both the political representatives who have processed the authorization of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the political representatives who voted in favour of the community have been denounced".

They have therefore tabled motions in all municipalities of the community demanding "solidarity and support for the baserritars and demanding respect for the political leaders who have supported the project and rejecting public and media persecution against them".

(Read the full ENBA document on your website).

This news has been published by the Tolosaldea Portal and we have brought it to ARGIA thanks to the CC-by-sa license.