They ask the mayor of Pamplona to stop censorship of Pirritx, Porrotx and Marimotots
  • The clowns and lawyer Sanxo have denounced the "censorship" and have asked the children of the Comarca to send their drawings to the mayor of Pamplona, Enrique Maia. @ahotsainfo 2019ko azaroaren 19a

The City Council of Pamplona/Iruña, for its part, directly awarded the previous government team the suspension of the show. Councilwoman for Culture and Equality, María García-Barberena, considered that the previous councilwoman for Culture, Maider Beloki, signed the contract in an "irregular" way: "The conclusion of these contracts requires a legal report, a technical report and a decision approving the award, but in this case it does not exist. We have a contract signed by Maider Beloki on June 12, without complying with the procedure". In addition, the councillor pointed out that "there is no dossier" about the show of Pirritx, Porrotx eta Marimotots and that she referred the case to the Council of Navarre for investigation.

Meanwhile, councilwoman of EH Bildu, Maider Beloki, described the version of García-Barberena as "false" to BERRIA and reproached the municipal government team for acting "without transparency": "There is a dossier, but Navarra Suma doesn't want to show it. We have been asking for that report in the City Hall for a month and a half and we have not been given it. Why not? ". Regarding the procedure for signing the contract, EH Bildu explained that the agreement has been made in accordance with Article 75, that in the public procurement regulations "contemplates the specificity of artists", and that all artistic contracts "are done in this way".

It's not the first

This is not the first time that UPN has been against the clowns, who have gone out into the street. In 2017, the City of Pamplona, ruled by EH Bildu, denounced the "free" abandonment of the Baluarte Auditorium to the trio: "It's a treat of favor, compared to events of great tradition in the city, such as the celebration of the Corpus that wants to boycott since Bildu came to the city hall," he added. UPN said in his statement that this is "Batasuna clowns". The City of Bilbao also vetoed Pirritx and Porrotx with Iñaki Azkuna as mayor. He apologized for his "political trajectory". It was the pp, then, who called for the ban on the shows of these clowns.