The Government of Navarra launches a bonus to reduce public rent in the Pyrenees
  • The Government of Navarra has approved a measure to address the problem of access to housing in the Pyrenees. It has activated a 38% bonus to reduce the cost of renting public housing, with the aim of "fixing population" in valleys at risk of depopulation.
Urko Apaolaza Avila @urkoapaolaza 2023ko martxoaren 02a
Otsagabian Gu Pirinioa ekimenaren baitan Nafarroako Gobernuko, tokiko erakundeetako eta eragileetako ordezkariek egindako bilera. Argazkia: Nafarroako Gobernua.

The rent of public housing will from now on be cheaper in the Pyrenean localities of Navarra, for which the Department of Spatial Planning, Housing, Landscape and Strategic Projects of the Government of Navarra will grant a bonus.

José María Aierdi, Vice-President of the Government of Navarra and advisor to this department, announced the measure in Ochagavía at the last meeting on Wednesday in the Pyrenean Plan of Gu Pirinioa.

Thus, the rent of public housing in these localities will be 38% cheaper thanks to the bonus, which will go from 5.66 euros per square meter to 3.5 euros.

Aierdi stressed that the department he runs has invested EUR 9 million, mainly in measures to ensure access to housing, but also in the area of entrepreneurship and employment. Auritz / Burguete, Aurizberri, Jaurrieta and soon Nagore have enabled twenty homes for public rent.

Depopulated and aged

The Pyrenees are in a situation of serious depopulation. According to Gaindegia's recent 2022 indicator report, the Pyrenean eastern vegas are the lowest population density in the Basque Country and the highest population rate over 65.

The Gu Pyrenees Plan aims to address this situation from the Pyrenees, in cooperation with the actors and citizens of the Pyrenees, and to this end it has launched various initiatives, including to promote projects related to transformative entrepreneurship.