Mayors of the Pyrenees denounce that the government plan to deal with depopulation "is drifting"
  • Last Friday, the Pyrenees' Bureau appeared to call for "a law of commitments" and to demand from the Government of Navarra "concrete measures".
ARGIA @argia 2024ko ekainaren 25a
Pirinioetako Mahaiko batzordeko kideak, artxiboko irudian, Nafarroako Legebiltzarrera egindako bisitan.

The Bureau of the Navarro Pyrenees met on Friday in a standing committee and after a joint hearing explained the situation of the Pyrenean Plan set up by the Government of Navarre. "At all times we have been told that everything remains the same, including so-called governance systems. But that's not being so," they said in the note. In fact, as you have pointed out, the plan also suffers from a "lack of staff" in the sector. The work carried out by a directorate in the previous legislature has been entrusted to two people who carry out other tasks. The Government has gone further in the last week: He has dismissed the "small" staff, according to the Pyrenees Bureau.

Therefore, the mayors of the Pyrenean peoples have said: "We believe it is the realization of what we have been thinking for a long time, even though we have tried to continue working from a proactive attitude all the time. Our conclusion is that the present Government of Navarre does not believe in the Pyrenean Plan and suspends its development. Perhaps we have had too much patience or too much trust, but now we are clear. It leaves us with no tools, no governance and the worst, with a sense of displeasure that we didn't expect."

At the hearing, they expressed their willingness to "inform the public of things as they are" and called for a meeting of President MarĂ­a Chivite. They call the Pyrenees neighbours to meet on 3 July in Jaurrieta to decide between them how to deal with the future.