The Basque institutions present a plan to deal with the disease of pines
  • Among other measures, the plan envisages the use of cuprous oxide to combat a fungus that has already caused damage to 33.15% of CAV pines. In fact, it has been used in similar cases and good results have been achieved. The plan, presented by the Basque Government and the representatives of Álava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, aims not only to attack the disease, but also to strengthen the sector.
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The plan has three main objectives: to know the disease of pines and the damage it causes, to implement measures to combat the harmful fungus and to strengthen the forestry sector.

To combat the fungus, the first affected areas will be identified and it is intended to know the behavior of the disease and its cycle. Thus, successful practices will be collected from other locations, experts will be consulted, disease-resistant plants will be imported and recommended forest practices will be included in a guide. Provision is also made for the conservation of cut wood for gradual sale.

It is a question of looking for alternatives and, as has been said, recovering forestry. To this end, it is intended to experiment with species of commercial interest for the sector.

The plan, known as the "Basque strategy for the recovery of coniferous forests", has been approved.