Naturkone reproaches Councillor Tapia to lie about pine fumigation
  • The Naturkon association, a meeting point of several environmental groups, has accused Councillor Arantza Tapia of lying on permits to spray cuprous rust pine trees from the air and has asked him to correct in public what he has said.
ARGIA @argia 2018ko abenduaren 17a
Pinudiak airetik fumigatzen 2016an Bizkaian. (Argazkia: Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia)

On 14 December, according to the Diario Vasco, the Councillor for Economic Development and Infrastructures, Arantza Tapia, said that the Basque Government has decided that the fumigation of pines of the CAV with cuprous oxide "is an authorised, well-defined treatment that has proved its effectiveness". Tapia thus answered a question from EH Member Bildu Eva López de Arroiabe in the Basque Parliament.

On 4 December last, Naturkone asked the Basque Government "what action it has taken to have the Ministry for the Ecological Transition [of Madrid] authorise (exceptionally or not) the use of cuprous oxide for forestry treatments". The Basque Government’s response to the Irekia service can be read in this same link.

Now, knowing that Councillor Tapia has taken the license to fumigate with cuprous oxide, he has accused him of lying and of publicly asking him to acknowledge the truth: "Recently, in response to a question we asked, on 13 December - the day before Tapia approached her - Madrid told us that she had not given any general or exceptional authorization against the brown band epidemic that affects pine insignis by fumigation of cuprous oxide from the air."

In this sense, it has just been known that the Professional College of Biologists of the Basque Country has also called for the CAPV pine forests not to be sprayed with rust. "According to the well-known experts – the Commonwealth pointed out in the note – copper oxide is extremely poisonous and toxic if ingested. It affects the central and endocrine nervous system, irritating eyes and skin. As for chronic and long-term toxicity, it is dangerous even if ingested or inhaled in low concentrations. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) considers that its use entails significant risks for birds, mammals and soil beings."